Oh my living (one of my favourite sayings), can kids ask impossible questions. Neve, the little sweetie below is the most serious 3 year old I've ever seen. Always quiet, a real little lady and not much of a chatterbox. So when she does talk to you, you better listen and think hard how you're going to answer her. We were at a birthday party and she politely asked me where farts go. I nearly swallowed my glass. Made me think of where do things disappear to. Like my keys that I can NEVER find in the mornings. Or that pin that you drop on the carpet, that will only be found the day you walk barefoot. And that one sock that always gets eaten in the washing mashine. Today I wonder where my sanity has gone.
First off, traffic in a single lane became 3 lanes, then I lost the 1 key to the safe (it's always a key) and then my moment of glory. I fell. It was raining again and we have moss growing on the paving and as I stepped out of the building I dropped like a ton of bricks. I didn't know if I should cry or howl with laughter. Laughter won out on the day. I'm so clumsy most of the time, making a total ass of myself in front of half the company can only be funny. Think I'm going to have a butt in a similar shade of blue as my Peacock Pride kit tomorrow.
Here's Neve
I used Kristine's Iced Fudge kit. Check out her blog and her store.
Today I'm giving you the last elements in the Peacock Pride kit, the 2 ribbon wrapped frames. You canget it here http://www.4shared.com/file/49272288/d04faa98/Peacock_Pride_4.html?dirPwdVerified=1524a939. I hope you like it and please leave some love.