WHEEEEE, I didn't fall off the edge of the earth, I just got Bizzzzzeeeeee!!!!!
My young friends Rudie & Cindy-Lee got married on the 6th of September and I unfortunately couldn't attend the wedding as it was my son Rainer's 21st. They brought 1649 wedding photos to scrap. Oh my word, Cindy-Lee was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen. Her dress was so beautiful. It was layers and layers of little net scraps that were individually dyed. The photos don't do the dress complete justice and it's stunning in the photos. This is a huge undertaking and my payment is Photoshop CS3. Rudie has promised to bring it around this weekend if they can keep me in one place long enough.
Here's a few LO's I've done so far. Credits for the kits all go to Kim

Then this past Sunday we did our Breast Cancer Awareness walk at Kyalami race track. What a brilliant day. It was an absolute success and wll be repeated in years to come. This year we walked in memory of my late friend Jill that unfortunately did not discover her cancer in time and in celebration of 2 other friends Margie and Eloise that are survivors. I'll have some photos a bit later in the week. I got a replacement camera for mine that was stolen and I have now had 2 download cables that don't work. I have to go and collect that on Saturday morning. But I have to post the most amazing photo. As we finished our walk there was a "halo" in rainbow colours around the sun. It was too beautiful for words and I felt so peaceful, I forgot that I was tired from my long walk.

I got an award from Crops, my fellow CT member for Kim's team and I'd like to pay it forward to
These ladies all have HEART and they pour it all out lovingly on their blogs. They make me laugh, cry, get wierd stuff flying out through my nose and lift my spirits on a daily basis. I HEART you all.
And finally I get to the real purpose of my blog post for today. Kim, designer par excelance has once again come up with a gorgeous kit. She calls it Loryn and it's for one of her amazing friends. She's planning a kit for each of her friends, and if this is just an example of the first, I for one can't wait for the rest of the kits in the series. It has marvelous elements and gorgeous papers in an orange and green theme which are 2 of my favourite colours and as we're heading for summer, it reminds me of fresh cut green grass and lovely salads with melon and mango.
I did this LO

I don't have a freebie today, but I'm working on a little something for later in the week.
Have a great day
Thank you Sweety for the Award...I heart ya too...MWAH!!!!
*sniff* OMG I LUB YOU!!!!!! You so sweet Renee. And omg can you SCRAP woman! I swear, I'v said it before & I'll say it again..I wanna be you when I grow up. Wait..that would mean we'd both hafta grow up.. Hmm. Gotta figure this one out. That dress is amazing. Your LOs are amazing. The kits are amazing.
Amazing layouts as always , awesome dress too! Thank you so much for the award too I'm with Kari sniff sniff
Thanks very much Renee!!! That's so sweet!! I'll try and pass it forward when I'm feeling better!!!
::sprays Lysol::
Thank you so much for the heart award! Love you too!! You have such a big heart and you share it all the time. You have done another amazing LO! I soooo love to see your LO's and can't wait to see the next one and the next one and the next one!!!:)
AHH- I HEART you to too my friend- and girlfriend I have to tell you this- That LO you did is I think now my new FAV from you! I absololutely LOVE it- It's just STRIKING! and so YOU! haha
Can't wait to see the rainbow photo- that must have been something special!
Thanks so much for the award Renee- MWAH MWAH MWAH
So sweet of you, I heart you toooo, thank you!! Your LO's are stunning BTW,the one with Loryn is FAB!!
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